By Michael Hartley
This math board game is free, printable, and has rules simple enough for kindy kids to catch. Just print out the game board, questions and specials, teach your kids the rules, and watch them learn addition while they play!
I originally made this game as a times table board game. I realised that it could be adapted to teach all sorts of math - and other - skills, by producing new sets of question cards. The first new set I made makes the times table game into an addition game, suitable for kindergarten kids - the cards test addition of one digit numbers. No sum is higher than 10.
You'll find the full rules of the game here. If you want to get the game board professionally printed, click on the image at the right. Alternatively, you might want to see the full list of math board games on this site.
It's important to note that kindergarten kids may need some help interpreting the specials - in particular, there's one special card which requires some knowledge of the times tables. You may want to remove that card, and any others the kids struggle with, or alternatively, join in as they play as the official and impartial Asker Of Questions, Enacter Of Specials, Tamer Of Disputes! You may also want to give kindy kids more time to answer the questions (the rules on the times table board game page allow 10 seconds).
Hope that helps!