Popular Math Games

The Most Popular Math Games On This Site


You've come to this site looking for really great math games and resources to help kids with math. So which ones are the best? It's hard to say, of course. Each person is different. At the same time, we've all got something in common. Stuff other people like, we also usually like.

So, if you want to find out the best games on this site, it makes sense to ask what other people like best. This page shows the most popular games on this site. When I say popular, I mean according to how many times people visit the game web page. There's a different page that shows which games people rate the most highly.

Some of the games and other resources on this list get popular because Google thinks it's good. Others are there because lots of people are searching for it. Some weeks a game that's normally missing from the list will pop up because of hits from some social network or social bookmarking site. In each of these cases, you can be sure that the game is a good one.

There are, of course, dozens of other great games and resources that don't make it onto this list. So be sure to spend some time as well exploring the site, starting with the menu in the sidebar.

And now for the list of the most popular games on this site over the past week!

These Common Denominator Worksheets provide plenty of opportunity to practice putting fractions over a common denominator. Each worksheet prints out onto one page, and there are 50 worksheets total. Viewed 861 times...
In the Magical Calculator Birthday Trick and the "Threes" Math Trick, one child gives a sequence of arithmetic instructions to another, then performs a few simple mental steps on the result. Almost like magic, the other's birthday (or another secret number) appears as the result of the sum! Good for fourth grade kids and up. Viewed 860 times...
Design and make your own Paper Polyhedra right in your web browser with this java applet. You can design beautiful symmetric shapes with an interactiove 3D view, then print out a plan to help you make a model of the shape out of cardboard or paper. Finally, you can share your net with your friends by email, facebook, or whatever, so they, too, can enjoy your masterpiece. Viewed 314 times...
Why not Find Your Name In Pi? When we write pi=3.14159.., we use our normal ten different digits, which we call 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. I converted pi to base 27, and called the digits <space>, A, B, C, ..., Z. That way, the digits of pi become a long list of letters. I've got 31 million base 27 digits, I've put them on my webserver, and I've made a search box for you to use! How soon does your name appear? Viewed 313 times...
The challenge of the Eight Queens Puzzle is to place eight queens on a chessboard, so that none of the queens are attacking any of the others. On my eight queens puzzle page, there's an online version of this game you can play on your computer of phone, right in your web browser. The game starts with a 4 by 4 board, and you can work up to harder and harder boards - or jump straight to the 8 by 8 board if you dare! Have a go now! Viewed 248 times...
This Addition Trick seemed like magic when my uncle first showed it to me. I was 11 years old, I think. Here I explain the trick so you can amaze the 11-year-olds in your life. Viewed 247 times...
The Upside-Down Calculator Word Game is recommended for kids in fifth grade and fourth grade, and maybe also third grade. Younger children may find it too challenging - although my son's grade one teacher recently gave an exercise like this one to her class! The aim is to find numbers that make words when keyed into an upside-down calculator. See the game's page for more details. Viewed 221 times...
In a Cryptarithm puzzle, each digit of an arithmetic sum has been replaced with a letter of the alphabet. The aim of the puzzle is to restore the original sum. These puzzles are sometimes called alphametics or crypt-arithmetics. You can get many more such puzzles from the resources available at www.cryptarithmania.com. Viewed 218 times...
Print these Magic Number Cards, learn how to use them, and with a bit of practice you'll be able to amaze your friends with your number guessing skills! This page provides the traditional version of this trick, as well as a few variations of my own invention. Full instructions and a video example are available at the web page. Viewed 210 times...
Fizz Buzz is a well-known game. It gives practice identifying multiples of 5 and 7. It's a great math game for kids, and a hilarious ice-breaker for adults too! At the web page you'll find a "fizz-buzziness calculator" that will determine what a player should say for any given number. Viewed 174 times...

Don't forget to browse around the rest of the site as well....

Yours, Dr Mike