
Space Birthday

Do you know how many Mars years old you are?


If you were born on Mars, how old would you be today? Or how many times has Jupiter gone around the sun since you were born? What's your age in Venusian years? This page can tell you! Enter your and your friends' birthdays using the form below. The information will only be stored on this computer, not on the server, so don't worry! (PS - I also have some printable space birthday worksheets you can download if you want to do these calculations yourself.)

  • Your/your friend's name:
  • Your/your friend's birthday:
You need to enter the year correctly - your Jupiter birthday doesn't fall on the same day each year, in fact most years you don't even have one!

Celebrity Birthdays

 Leonard Nimoy turns 152 Venus years old on the 28th September, 2024. Leonard Nimoy is most famous for his role as the Vulcan Spock in Star Trek. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Star Trek on Amazon, Other Space Birthdays For Leonard Nimoy
 Robin Williams turns 119 Venus years old on the 4th October, 2024. Robin Williams was a well-loved comedian and film actor, who started his rise to fame as the alien Mork in Mork and Mindy. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Robin Williams
 William Herschel turns 1187 Mercury years old on the 5th October, 2024. William Herschel was an astronomer who discovered the planet Uranus, the first new planet discovered since ancient times.. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For William Herschel
 Neil Armstrong turns 391 Mercury years old on the 6th October, 2024. Neil Armstrong was the first human being to set foot on the moon. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, NASA, Other Space Birthdays For Neil Armstrong
 William Herschel turns 152 Mars years old on the 6th October, 2024. William Herschel was an astronomer who discovered the planet Uranus, the first new planet discovered since ancient times.. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For William Herschel
 Johannes Kepler turns 736 Venus years old on the 12th October, 2024. Kepler made very careful observations of the planets, and discovered Kepler's laws of planetary motion, which helped Isaac Newton develop his theory of gravity. Links: Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Johannes Kepler
 Asaph Hall turns 195 Earth years old on the 15th October, 2024. Asaph Hall was an American astronomer who discovered the two moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos. Links: Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Asaph Hall
 Isaac Newton turns 203 Mars years old on the 18th October, 2024. Isaac Newton, amongst many other discoveries, developed a theory of gravity that helped explain how the planets move in their orbits. Links: Wikipedia, Other Space Birthdays For Isaac Newton
 J. K. Rowling turns 5 Jupiter years old on the 16th November, 2024. J. K. Rowling became famous for her Harry Potter series of books, after being rejected by eight different publishers. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Official Website, Other Space Birthdays For J. K. Rowling
 Buzz Aldrin turns 8 Jupiter years old on the 5th December, 2024. Buzz Aldrin was the second person to set foot on the moon. He also flew on one of the Gemini missions.. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Official Website, Other Space Birthdays For Buzz Aldrin