
Space Birthday

Do you know how many Mars years old you are?


If you were born on Mars, how old would you be today? Or how many times has Jupiter gone around the sun since you were born? What's your age in Venusian years? This page can tell you! Enter your and your friends' birthdays using the form below. The information will only be stored on this computer, not on the server, so don't worry! (PS - I also have some printable space birthday worksheets you can download if you want to do these calculations yourself.)

  • Your/your friend's name:
  • Your/your friend's birthday:
You need to enter the year correctly - your Jupiter birthday doesn't fall on the same day each year, in fact most years you don't even have one!

Leonard Nimoy's Birthdays

Leonard Nimoy is most famous for his role as the Vulcan Spock in Star Trek. Links: Amazon, Wikipedia, Star Trek on Amazon, Other Celebrity Space Birthdays

 Leonard Nimoy turns 152 Venus years old on the 28th September, 2024.
 Leonard Nimoy turns 389 Mercury years old on the 2nd December, 2024.
 Leonard Nimoy turns 93 Earth years old on the 26th March, 2025.
 Leonard Nimoy turns 50 Mars years old on the 10th April, 2025.
 Leonard Nimoy turns 8 Jupiter years old on the 8th February, 2026.
 Leonard Nimoy turns 4 Saturn years old on the 22nd January, 2049.
 Leonard Nimoy turns 1 Neptune year old on the 9th January, 2096.
 Leonard Nimoy turns 2 Uranus years old on the 17th November, 2099.